pwncat.manager module

The manager is the core object within pwncat. A manager is responsible for maintaining configuration, terminal state, and maintaining all active pwncat sessions. A manager can have zero or more sessions active at any given time. It is recommended to create a manager through the context manager syntax. In this way, pwncat will automatically disconnect from active sessions and perform any required cleanup prior to exiting even if there was an uncaught exception. The normal method of creating a manager is:

with pwncat.manager.Manager() as manager:
    # Do something with your manager, like set a configuration item
    # or open a connection
    session = manager.create_session(platform="linux", host="", port=4444)


The pwncat manager provides the ability to create background listeners. Background listeners are classes which inherit from threading.Thread. To create a new listener, you can use the pwncat.manager.Manager.create_listener() method. To get an asynchronous notification of new sessions, you can use the established callback which receives the new session as an argument.

exception pwncat.manager.InteractiveExit

Bases: Exception

Indicates we should exit the interactive terminal

class pwncat.manager.Listener(manager: pwncat.manager.Manager, address: Tuple[str, int], protocol: str = 'socket', platform: Optional[str] = None, count: Optional[int] = None, established: Optional[Callable[[Session], bool]] = None, ssl: bool = False, ssl_cert: Optional[str] = None, ssl_key: Optional[str] = None)

Bases: threading.Thread

Background Listener which acts as a factory constructing sessions in the background. Listeners should not be created directly. Rather, you should use the pwncat.manager.Manager.create_listener() method.

Using a background listener
def new_session(session: pwncat.manager.Session):
    # Returning false causes the session to be removed immediately
    return True

with Manager() as manager:
    listener = manager.create_listener(
    # You can also stop the listener
    # listener.stop()
address: Tuple[str, int]

The address to bind our listener to on the attacking machine

bootstrap_session(channel:, platform: str, _queue_message: bool = False)pwncat.manager.Session

Establish a session from an existing channel using the specified platform. If platform is None, then the given channel is placed onto the uninitialized channel queue for later initialization.

  • channel ( – the channel to initialize

  • platform (Optional[str]) – name of the platform to initialize

  • _queue_message (bool) – only used internally to show unitialized channel message (default: False)

Return type



ListenerError: incorrect platform or channel disconnected

count: Optional[int]

The number of connections to receive before exiting

established: Optional[Callable[[Session], bool]]

A callback used when a new session is established

failure_exception: Optional[Exception]

An exception which was caught and put the listener in ListenerState.FAILED state

iter_channels(count: Optional[int] = None) → Generator[, None, None]

Synchronously iterate over new channels. This generated will yield channels until no more channels are found on the queue. However, more channels may be added after iterator (or while iterating) over this generator. Reaching the end of this list when count=None does not indicate that the listener has stopped.


count (Optional[int]) – number of channels to receive or None for infinite

Return type

Generator[Channel, None, None]

iter_sessions(count: Optional[int] = None) → Generator[pwncat.manager.Session, None, None]

Synchronously iterate over new sessions. This generated will yield sessions until no more sessions are found on the queue. However, more sessions may be added after iterator (or while iterating) over this generator. Reaching the end of this list when count=None does not indicate that the listener has stopped.


count (Optional[int]) – the number of sessions to retreive or None for infinite

Return type

Generator[Session, None, None]

manager: Manager

The controlling manager object

property pending

Retrieve the number of pending channels

platform: Optional[str]

The platform to use when automatically establishing sessions

protocol: str

Name of the channel protocol to use for incoming connections


Execute the listener in the background. We have to be careful not to trip up the manager, as this is running in a background thread.

ssl: bool

Whether to wrap the listener in SSL

ssl_cert: Optional[str]

The SSL server certificate

ssl_key: Optional[str]

The SSL server key

state: ListenerState

The current state of the listener; only set internally


Stop the listener

exception pwncat.manager.ListenerError

Bases: Exception

Raised by utility functions within the listener class. This is never raised in the main thread, and is only used to consolidate errors from various socket and ssl libraries when setting up and operating the listener.

enum pwncat.manager.ListenerState(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

Background listener state

Valid values are as follows:

STOPPED = <ListenerState.STOPPED: 1>
RUNNING = <ListenerState.RUNNING: 2>
FAILED = <ListenerState.FAILED: 3>
class pwncat.manager.Manager(config: str = None)

Bases: object

pwncat manager which is responsible for creating channels, and sessions, managing the database sessions. It provides the factory functions for generating platforms, channels, database sessions, and executing modules.


Create a new SQLAlchemy database session and return it

create_listener(protocol: str, host: str, port: int, platform: Optional[str] = None, ssl: bool = False, ssl_cert: Optional[str] = None, ssl_key: Optional[str] = None, count: Optional[int] = None, established: Optional[Callable[[pwncat.manager.Session], bool]] = None)pwncat.manager.Listener

Create and start a new background listener which will wait for connections from victims and optionally automatically establish sessions. If no platform name is provided, new Channel objects will be created and can be initialized by iterating over them with listener.iter_channels and initialized with listener.bootstrap_session. If ssl is true, the socket will be wrapped in an SSL context. The protocol is normally socket, but can be any channel protocol which supports a client parameter holding a socket object.

  • protocol (str) – the name of the channel protocol to use (default: socket)

  • host (str) – the host address on which to bind

  • port (int) – the port on which to listen

  • platform (Optional[str]) – the platform to use when automatically establishing sessions or None

  • ssl (bool) – whether to wrap the listener in an SSL context (default: false)

  • ssl_cert (Optional[str]) – the SSL PEM certificate path

  • ssl_key (Optional[str]) – the SSL PEM key path

  • count (Optional[int]) – the number of sessions to establish before automatically stopping the listener

  • established (Optional[Callback[[Session], bool]]) – a callback for when new sessions are established; returning false will immediately disconnect the new session.

create_session(platform: str, channel: = None, **kwargs)

Create a new session from a new or existing channel. The platform specified should be the name registered name (e.g. linux) of a platform class. If no existing channel is provided, the keyword arguments are used to construct a new channel.

  • platform (str) – name of the platform to use

  • channel (Optional[Channel]) – A pre-constructed channel (default: None)

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments for constructing a new channel

Return type



ChannelError: there was an error while constructing the new channel PlatformError: construction of a platform around the channel failed


Locate a session by it’s channel object. This is mainly used when a ChannelError is raised in order to locate the misbehaving session object from the exception data.


channel (Channel) – the channel you are looking for

Return type



Start interactive prompt


Dynamically load modules from the specified paths

If a module has the same name as an already loaded module, it will take it’s place in the module list. This includes built-in modules.

log(*args, **kwargs)

Output a log entry


Create the internal engine and session builder for this manager based on the configured database

print(*args, **kwargs)
property target

Retrieve the currently focused target

class pwncat.manager.Session(manager, platform: Union[str, pwncat.platform.Platform], channel: Optional[] = None, active: bool = True, **kwargs)

Bases: object

This class represents the container by which pwncat references connections to victim machines. It glues together a connected Channel and an appropriate Platform implementation. It also provides generic access to the pwncat database and logging functionality.


Close the session and remove from manager tracking

property config

Get the configuration object for this manager. This is simply a wrapper for session.manager.config to make accessing configuration a little easier.


Retrieve the current user object

find_group(gid=None, name=None)

Locate a user object by name or ID

find_module(pattern: str, base=None, exact: bool = False)

Locate a module by a glob pattern. This is an generator which may yield multiple modules that match the pattern and base class.

find_user(uid=None, name=None)

Locate a user object by name or ID

iter_groups(members: Optional[List[Union[str, int]]] = None)

Iterate over groups for the target


Iterate over the users for the target

log(*args, **kwargs)

Log to the console. This utilizes the active sessions progress instance to log without messing up progress output from other sessions, if we aren’t active.

print(*args, **kwargs)

Log to the console. This utilizes the active sessions progress instance to log without messing up progress output from other sessions, if we aren’t active.

register_fact(fact: pwncat.db.Fact, scope: pwncat.modules.enumerate.Scope = <Scope.HOST: 1>, commit: bool = False)

Register a fact with this session’s target. This is useful when a fact is generated during execution of a command or module, but is not associated with a specific enumeration module. It can still be queried with the base enumerate module by it’s type.


Register a new host in the database. This assumes the hash has already been stored in self.hash

run(module: str, **kwargs)

Run a module on this session

property target

Retrieve the target object for this session

task(*args, **kwargs)

Get a new task in this session’s progress instance

update_task(task, *args, **kwargs)

Update an active task